Hikari Otabi, PhD

Hikari Otabi

Thank you for visiting my website! My name is Hikari Otabi, currently an assistant professor at the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University, Japan.

I was born in Shimane, Japan, and moved to Ibaraki, Japan when I entered university. I conducted research on delayed nest building in mice exposed to social defeat stress at the Laboratory of Feed Science, College of Agriculture, Ibaraki University, Japan under the tutorage of Prof. Atsushi Toyoda and obtained my B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. I’m doing the above study and more information is available in About me. After obtaining my Ph.D. degree, I worked at Setsunan University in Osaka, Japan for one year on a project for the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. Under the tutorage of Prof. Ryo Inoue, I conducted research on the establishment of an infectious disease testing system for xenotransplantation.

As you can see, I have moved to many different places since I entered college, and all of them have been very wonderful. In Osaka, I was close to Kyoto, so I rode my road bike to Arashiyama and other places.

No matter where in the world I my research do, I like to have a good time in every situation. I also believe that, as the Japanese saying goes, "Amadareishi wo ugatsu (constant dropping wears away a stone)", and that if you persevere in small things, you will eventually achieve great things.


Development of a panel for detection of pathogens in xenotransplantation donor pigs

Xenotransplantation, e12825. 2023.

Studies of nest building behavior in social stress model of mouse

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho 93 (2), 87-96. 2022. in Japanese

Assessment of nest building and social interaction behavior in mice exposed to acute social defeat stress using a three‐dimensional depth camera

Animal Science Journal 91(1), e13447. 2020